Formaldehyde Calling (Classical)

Aldehydes are the general names of organic compounds with carbonyl groups in their structures. It is generally obtained by dehydrogenation of alcohols at elevated temperatures. The name comes from the aldehyde. Formaldehyde is an aldehyde variety with antiseptic properties. It is especially used in protein foods, for example, to reduce the acidity of milk or to prevent clotting by preventing the breakdown of proteins. Formaldehyde produces a pungent odor in milk. The production of food products is allowed to be used at the rates described in the Turkish Food Codex published by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Various analyzes are carried out to determine the amount of formaildehyde used in food products.
Formaldehyde, an organic chemical compound, is the simplest member of aldehydes and is a highly toxic chemical. Formaldehyde is generally stored as a percent 37 aqueous solution, which is called formalin. It is used in many products on the market to extend the expiration date.
Formaldehyde is widely used in the chemical industry. The aqueous solution (formalin) contains some methyl alcohol. Both the gas state and the liquid solution have an unpleasant odor. It is used as a sterilizing and preservative in medical laboratories. Formaldehydes, commonly used in a wide range of food or non-food products, are a reactive chemical and can react instantly with various cells. Therefore it is harmful for human health.
Formaldehyde is listed among cancer causing substances by international organizations. The maximum amount of formaldehyde from food contact packaging materials to food is limited to 15 mg / kg. This limit is also valid in our country and European Union countries. Paper and cardboard materials are widely used in the packaging of hot drinks and foods, especially in fast food restaurants, in teabags and in the packaging of dry foods.
Formaldehyde searches are carried out in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. In these studies, the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations are complied with.