epichlorhydrin determination

The issue of packaged waters appears from time to time in the news. Different reference values are explained by domestic and foreign organizations for substances that should and should not be present in water. The Ministry of Health is generally based on the values announced by the European Union countries, but in this case it can be contradictory to the values announced by other organizations. This is rightly confusing people.
For example, epichloride and vinyl chloride, known in some packaged waters, known as carcinogens, meet European Union standards based on the Department of Health, but far exceed those of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As a matter of fact, chemicals such as arsenic, antimony, mercury and nitrite, as well as chemicals such as epichloride and vinyl chloride, should not be present in drinking water. However, the limit values for epichloride and vinyl chloride are as follows: 0,5 μg / l in the European Union countries, 2 μg / l in the United States and 0,3 μg / l for the World Health Organization.
In terms of legal regulations in our country, the Regulation on Water for Human Consumption issued in 2005 is in force and official audits are carried out in this direction. Already, this regulation is based on the following legal regulations issued by the European Union:
- Council Directive 98 / 83 / EC on the Quality of Waters for Human Use
- Council Directive 2003 / 40 / EC establishing the List of Concentration Limits and Labeling Information for Natural Mineral Water and the Conditions for the Treatment of Natural Mineral Water and Spring Water with Ozone-Enriched Air
- Regulation (EC) No 115 / 2010 of the Commission on the Conditions for the Use of Active Aluminum for the Removal of Fluoride from Natural Mineral Waters and Spring Waters
Determination of epichloride in drinking water is carried out in authorized laboratories within the framework of chemical tests. In these studies, the standards issued by domestic and foreign organizations are complied with. The standard for the determination of epichloride in water is:
- TS 266 Waters - Waters for human consumption
According to this standard, the maximum amount of 0,1 μg / l epichloride in drinking water should be present.