Enterobacter sakazakii (Fast Test) (The Cronobacter spp.)

Determination of Enterobacter Sakazakii (Cronobacter spp.)
Determination of Enterobacter Sakazakii (Cronobacter spp.)

Cronobacter bacterial species is a bacterium of the enterobacteriaceae family, which is found in humans, animal intestines and in the natural environment with a large number of bacterial species. It has been found to be associated with meningitis, especially in infants. Nearly 50 percent of infants infected by these bacteria have lost their lives, and the rest have neurological problems. In adults, this disease is milder. However, infants under one year of age are at greater risk.

The source of Enterobacter sakazakii is the natural habitat. Occasionally in the intestines of healthy people. These bacteria are passed on to infant formulas, raw materials used in their production or additives added to pasteurized formulas. Although these bacteria are seen in other foodstuffs, they only cause disease in powdered foods.

Such contamination in powdered infant formula has been found in several developed countries. In other countries, however, it is assumed that there have been unreported infections. The fact that it is unreported is somewhat due to the lack of awareness of such a problem.

Enterobacter sakazakii bacteria can grow at 6 even in infant formula. Optimum breeding temperature is average 40. It is known, however, that this bacterium develops in latex, silicon and polycarbonate.

Among the analysis methods for the detection of these bacteria, test kits that allow rapid testing are also used.

In advanced laboratories, rapid tests for the determination of enterobacter sakazakii and cronobacter species are carried out within the framework of microbiological analyzes. These analyzes are based on domestic and foreign standards and analysis methods. The standards on this subject are as follows:

  • TS ISO 21528-1 Microbiology of food and animal feed - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of enterobacteriaceae - Part 1: Search and enumeration with the most probable number technique with pre-enrichment
  • TS ISO 21528-2 Microbiology of food and animal feeds - Horizontal method for detection and counting of Enterobacteriaceae - Part 2: Colony counting method