Element (AAS) determination
Metal analysis in plants and food products is very important in biological, chemical and environmental terms. It is necessary to determine the minerals and elements in plants and to determine their concentration and to determine their biological activity and possible poisoning effects. The determination of the elements is also important in terms of quality controls. Metal analysis is carried out in the laboratories by various methods. One of these methods is atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS).
Atoms absorb electromagnetic radiation and switch from the lowest energy level to the excited levels. This phenomenon is called atomic absorption. The absorption spectra were determined for each atom. In a very short time, the excited atom transfers its excess energy to other atoms in the medium and returns to its basic state. This is called rinsing. A small increase in temperature occurs around the settled atoms.
The atoms that absorb electromagnetic radiation and move from the lowest energy level to the excited levels emit ultraviolet radiation energy as they return to their basic levels. This phenomenon is called atomic emission. The emission spectrum for each atom was also determined.
The energy differences between the basic state and the excited state of matter are different. Each substance has its own absorption and emission spectrum.
There are some methods used for atomization of elements in atomic spectroscopy studies. The most widely used method is flame atomization. There are three types of spectroscopy based on flame atomization: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES) and Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (AFS). Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), which was developed in 1950 years, is based on the principle of measuring the decrease in light intensity by the absorption of the electromagnetic wave from the beam source by gaseous atoms.
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) determination of the elements is also performed in the authorized laboratories within the framework of chemical tests. In these studies, the standards issued by domestic and foreign organizations are complied with.