Detergent amount determination

In the last century, the quality of drinking water was mostly addressed in terms of pathogens that caused infectious diseases such as cholera and typhoid. Today, in fact, the control of water-related and water-borne diseases remains serious. However, as the toxic effects of some metals have been recognized in recent years and the production and use of a number of organic chemicals as agricultural and industry have become widespread, control of pollutants in drinking water has become more important. It has been noticed that these organic chemicals have serious effects on nature due to the damage of surface waters by these pollutants.
Today, the number of pollutants generated by various activities is increasing rapidly and these are increasingly threatening human health. Detergents also play an important role among these pollutants. Detergents, which contain many chemical compounds in their formulas, mix with surface water along with waste water. When these poorly treated waters return to drinking water and potable water, detergent residues may be present therein.
Detergents mixed with drinking and utility water cause foaming as well as taste and odor problems in water. In addition, long-term detergent ingestion has a carcinogenic effect on the human body. Detergent wastes are mixed into surface waters due to domestic and industrial wastes.
Detergent values in drinking water have been determined as follows:
- Turkish Standards Institute TS 266 standard 200 5 μg / l
- EPN (American Environmental Protection Agency) standard 500 5 μg / l
Determination of detergent content in drinking and potable water is carried out in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. These studies are based on the standards issued by national and international organizations. The standard for the determination of detergent in water is:
- TS 266 Waters - Waters for human consumption