bromide (Total Inorganic) Quantity analysis (GC)

The high turbidity seen in surface waters is caused by soils carried by rain or by domestic or industrial wastewater. During this pollution, inorganic substances as well as organic materials are mixed into surface waters. These substances, which mix with water, initiate and accelerate the formation of bacteria in water. Among the inorganic substances which mix with water are bromides, besides iron, potassium, sodium, manganese, zinc and chloride. If these inorganic substances are in excessive amounts in water, they give the drinking water a metallic taste.
It contains total dissolved solids, inorganic salts and some organic substances in drinking and utility waters. Dissolved inorganic substances are present in the form of ions in water. In addition, these waters may contain heavy metal ions such as mercury, lead and cadmium.
It is important to monitor and evaluate water quality in terms of rehabilitation of water resources contaminated by agricultural or industrial activities and protection of natural water resources. Therefore, water quality parameters are measured regularly. These measurements are carried out in order to ensure that the quality of drinking water complies with the specified standards, to protect human health, to monitor water quality variables, to determine the factors affecting the quality of water and to determine the effectiveness of the measures taken for the protection and control of water quality.
The use of bromide in pesticides is prohibited in 2009. According to TS 266 standard, there should be no bromide in drinking water (TS 266 Waters - Human consumption standard). In addition, many harmful by-products are formed during the disinfection of water containing bromide ions for the purpose of disinfection. Of these, bromate ions have been shown to produce carcinogenic effects. Therefore, determination of bromide in water is important.
In authorized laboratories, determination of bromide by gas chromatography (GC) and determination of total amount of inorganic material in drinking and utility water are carried out within the scope of chemical tests.