dye Matter analysis - Leuco Malachite green (LC-MS / MS)

In aquaculture, a number of chemicals and feeds are used when breeding fish. Again, a number of chemical compounds are inoculated against fish eggs, bacteria and fungi. The fisheries regulation permits the use of a chemical compound called malachite green (or malachite green) in aquaculture. However, this compound is a toxic chemical and dissolves in water and shows antiseptic and parasitic, fungal and bacterial infections for marine organisms. The Ministry of Agriculture permits the use of this compound, which has carcinogenic properties, within certain limits.
When malachite green enters the body, it is turned into two different forms by the metabolism. The carbinol form of this compound passes rapidly through the cell membranes. When it enters the cell, it is converted to another form called leuko malachite green. Leuko malachite green has poisoning properties and is retained in the body longer than other forms. It has been found that malachite green and leuko malachite green have mutating properties and carcinogenic effects and cause various organ damage in the human body.
Malachite green is used as a chemical compound that does not affect mycobacteria but prevents the growth of many bacteria.
In the laboratories, leuko malachite green dyestuff analyzes are carried out in aquaculture within the scope of chemical tests and LC-MS / MS method is generally used in these analyzes. Full description liquid chromatography - mass spectrometer This method is a chemical analytical method that combines the mass analysis capabilities of the mass spectrometer with the physical separation properties of liquid chromatography. The LC-MS / MS technique is a high-precision, powerful technique used in many analyzes. In practice, results are obtained even in the presence of other chemicals. These studies are based on the standards issued by domestic and foreign organizations.