Paint permeability determination (Each Paint For)

Migration is generally used to describe substances that are in contact with food and from materials and packaging materials to food products. Migration means transfer of substances from packaging materials to food products under certain conditions. There are some factors that affect this event. For example, contact time, ambient temperature, properties of food products, content and amount of packaging material, and contact surface area of packaging material have an effect on paint permeability.
What is expected from food packaging or food contact materials is that it does not deliver non-food components to food products while protecting food from external conditions. Nevertheless, the amount of residues from packaging materials, that is, different kinds and amounts of chemicals, gives food bad odor and creates consumer dissatisfaction. In short, it reduces food quality. In addition, these substances that are mixed with food form a residue in food products and thus adversely affect food safety.
For these reasons, packaging paint residues and potency are the most important problems among food additives.
The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock issued the Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Substances and Materials in Contact with Food in 2011. This regulation is to determine the criteria in the production, processing and distribution stages of the materials that come into contact with food directly or indirectly, taking into account human health and consumer expectations.
In the laboratories, dye permeability determination studies are carried out for each kind of paint within the scope of chemical tests. During these studies, both the aforementioned regulation and the standards issued by domestic and foreign organizations are complied with. One of the standards used in this context is:
- TS EN 646 Paper and cardboard - Food contact - Determination of color fastness in colored paper and cardboard
This standard is for the determination of color fastness for paper and cardboard packages in contact with foodstuffs.