Vegetable developments Regulator determination (GC)

Plant growth regulating agents are natural or synthetic organic compounds that control or regulate one or more physiological events in the growth of plants. Plants need sunlight and carbon dioxide in the air and soil needs minerals, nutrients and water to grow.
The main factors regulating the growth and development of plants are chemical properties. Some of the substances that regulate the growth of plants are formed by the plants and some of them are given to the plant from outside. These substances, which regulate the physiological events that plants produce and grow within themselves, are called plant hormones. The substances that are given to the plants externally are the organic substances that affect the growth of the plants alone or in combination with other substances.
In fact, it is more accurate to describe plant hormones as chemical regulators, not just as stimulating chemicals. Because these hormones can react differently in different tissues of plants or they can be effective at different stages of development of the same tissue. In the meantime, some of the plant hormones support plant growth, while some of them are plant growth inhibitory hormones.
Today, crop growth regulators are widely used to influence plant growth and growth, from germination to harvest, and post-harvest protection of agricultural products. The effects of these substances on yield are generally indirect. When the plant growth regulators are given to plants externally, it is very important to select the appropriate chemical compound, to use it at the appropriate concentration and to make the correct decision on the application time, in order to achieve the expected effect.
In the laboratories, the regulatory determination of plant growth is also made within the scope of chemical tests. In these studies, gas chromatography (GC) method is generally used. The gas chromatography method is used in the field of chemistry for the analysis and separation of gases and volatiles. The most common use is quantitative analysis. During these analyzes, the standards issued by domestic and foreign organizations are also taken as basis.