Bicarbonate determination

Clean water resources, which are the most important element for human life, and access to them are one of the main problems today. According to the statements made by the United Nations, close to 1 billion of the world's population has the right to access safe drinking water, and more than one billion people lack 2,6's basic health protection. In terms of human rights, access to safe and clean drinking water and being healthy is vital and everyone should make efforts.
Many substances are dissolved in natural spring waters. The most important of these are carbonate and bicarbonate ions. In terms of public health, the presence of carbonate and bicarbonate ions in water poses no danger.
The alkalinity of water is defined as the ability to neutralize acids. The alkalinity of natural waters is generally caused by salts of weak acids. Bicarbonates are the leading ones. Bicarbonates are formed in waters by the action of carbon dioxide on basic substances in the soil. In natural waters, other weak acid salts such as silicates, borates and phosphates are present in small amounts as well as bicarbonates. In particular, surface waters produced by algae contain significant amounts of carbonate and hydroxide alkalinity. Algae increase the pH value of water by taking free or ionized carbon dioxide.
The amount of hydrogen ions that neutralize carbonate and bicarbonate ions in natural waters is called alkalinity. Alkalinity in natural waters is composed of hydroxides, carbonates and bicarbonates. When determining the amount of carbonate and bicarbonate in the water, the first task is to determine the pH value of the water. For this reason, bicarbonate determination should be made at the place where the water sample is taken.
In the laboratories, the determination of bicarbonate is also performed within the scope of chemical tests. These analyzes are based on the standards issued by domestic and foreign organizations. The standard used for the determination of bicarbonate is:
- TS 4182 EN ISO 9963-2 Water quality - Determination of alkalinity - Part: Determination of alkalinity of carbonate
This standard covers the methods for the determination of the amount of bicarbonate and carbonate ions and carbon dioxide in water.