BHA determination (butylated hydroxy Anisole) (HPLC)

Butylated Hydroxy Anisole (butyl hydroxy anisole) is a chemical component that has antioxidant properties and is used as an additive in many food products and in the production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. This chemical substance is used to prevent oxidative degradation of fats in foods and to provide higher efficiency of fat-soluble vitamins in vitamin preparations.
However, in animal studies, the cancer-causing properties of BHA active substance have not been fully demonstrated. There are no studies or data on humans indicating that this chemical compound is carcinogenic. Therefore, it is accepted as a reliable food additive by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In European Union countries, this substance was not found to be cancerous for humans, but for safe use, 1 mg / kg per day was limited.
The spontaneous reactions called oxidation occur between the components of food products and oxygen in the air. Oxidation in the food industry is undesirable because it reduces the quality of food. The decrease in quality is the change in the smell, color and flavor of the foods. In some cases, it also causes poisoning. Antioxidants are activated when this autoxidation cannot be prevented technologically and physically. Antioxidants are chemical compounds that prevent or delay oxidative degradation of foods. Butylated hydroxy anisole (butyl hydroxy anisole) is one of the synthetic antioxidants used in this way. Such compounds act at the beginning of the oxidation process and prevent oxidation and the resulting reactions.
In the laboratories, determination of butyl hydroxy anisole is also carried out within the scope of chemical tests. In these analyzes High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method is used. At the same time, the analyzes are based on the standards issued by national and international organizations.