Pea Calling (Peanut In products) (LC-QTOF)

Demand for baklava is very high. On the other hand, pistachio and walnut prices are increasing day by day and this situation naturally reflects on baklava costs. However, in order to reduce costs, some producers resort to illegal means and unfortunately produce peas instead of pistachios and leblebi powder or peanuts instead of walnuts. Baklavas produced in this way under the stairs are given to the market at reasonable prices, but the baklava loses much of its quality. In fact, these counterfeit producers use margarine or waste oils instead of butter. Even careful eyes cannot understand this difference because the taste and appearance are the same. This flavor cannot be created by adding various flavors and sweeteners and can only be demonstrated by laboratory analysis.
Although there is no negative side effect for human health, this fraud must be prevented in terms of deceiving people and creating unfair competition for producers. The Turkish Food Codex Regulation aims to ensure that food products are produced, processed, preserved, transported and marketed with appropriate techniques and hygienic conditions.
LC / QTOF / MS (Liquid Chromatography - Flight Time Mass Spectrometer) systems are used in various laboratories and tests. These systems combine the physical separation power of liquid chromatography with the mass analysis power of the mass spectrometer. The QTOF LC / MS device makes very accurate and rapid measurements of quantitative and qualitative analyzes. In addition to food safety, these devices are used in the pharmaceutical industry, environmental applications and toxilogy.
Within the scope of chemical tests in laboratories fPea exploration studies are also carried out in the products with walnut and QTOF LC / MS devices are used in these studies. In addition, the standards adopted by national and international organizations are taken as basis during the analyzes.