Benzoic Acid determination (Spectrophotometric)

Benzoic acid is derived from benzoin resin and is one of the most safe additives used in food production. Benzoic acid is crystalline and colorless, solid and powdered. Completely soluble in ethanol, partially soluble in benzene and acetone. Although it has been discovered previously, it has been widely used in the food industry when it is understood that it is effective against fermentation and mold in 1870 years.
Benzoic acid is naturally found in some dairy products, mushrooms, cloves and cinnamon. Artificial is generally obtained by reaction of toluene and oxygen. It is used as protective additive in foods. Benzoic acid, which is used in food at the rate of 0,05, is a non-toxic and tasteless substance and is excreted in the urine from the body.
Benzoic acid has a wide range of uses. Besides the food industry, it is widely used in cosmetic sector, production of chemical and medical materials, automotive sector and textile field. Because of its protective effects, it is also present in the content of creams and ointments used in fungal treatment.
In the food industry, it is mostly added to the sugary foods such as jam, marmalade, sodas and fruit juice. It is rarely included in ketchup, pickles, brine and canned goods.
In the food sector, the determination of the amount of benzoic acid added to the jams is especially important. Spectrophotometric method is generally used in these studies. Spectrophotometric methods are one of the basic measurement methods. In this method, a device called a photometer is used and the amount of substance in the solution is determined using the amount of light passing through or retained by the solution.
Food producer companies must comply with legal regulations such as Turkish Food Codex Regulation, Food Labeling and Consumer Information Regulation and Nutrition and Health Declaration Regulation.
In the laboratories, the amount of benzoic acid is determined by spectrophotometric method within the scope of chemical tests. During the studies, the standards prepared by local and foreign organizations are complied with.