Nitrogen amount determination
Nitrogen forms in water are generally organic, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and nitrogen gas. Nitrogenous substances such as protein are needed for the survival of living things.
Wastewaters of industrial plants are analyzed for nitrogen and phosphorus in order to determine whether there are sufficient nutrient substances in wastewater for biological treatment purposes. Inorganic nitrogen, which is generally in the form of nitrate and ammonia, is used by green plants during photosynthesis. The amount of nitrogen in natural waters is limited. Mixing wastes with nitrogen in natural waters accelerates algae growth. In addition, it has a toxic effect on aquatic organisms. In the laboratory environment, organic nitrogen and ammonia are determined together analytically and the total amount of nitrogen is determined. This is called Kjeldahl nitrogen.
There are various organic and inorganic nitrogen compounds in the content of drinking water, utility water, surface water and contaminated water bodies. These are measured and a decision is made on the quality of the water. For example, if ammonia is seen in drinking water, it is understood that sewage water is mixed into this water.
The major nitrogen compounds present in water and wastewater can be listed as follows according to the decreasing oxidation stage: nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and organic nitrogen. Nitrogen gas is also involved in the nitrogen cycle.
In the measurement of various nitrogen species, different methods are applied depending on the degree of pollution and concentration of the water sample analyzed. However, all analysis results are given in terms of nitrogen.
In determining the amount of protein in food products, the Kjeldahl method is used in addition to many methods. The basis of these methods is that most of the nitrogen present in foodstuffs is contained in proteins. Since the ratio of nitrogen in proteins is constant, the amount of nitrogen in the food is determined by determining the amount of nitrogen.
Nitrogen content is also determined in the laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. During the studies, standards prepared by national and international organizations are followed.