Not me Acid Analyses - methionine determination (Titrimetric)

Nutrients are chemical elements or compounds that are necessary for living beings to survive. These are necessary for cells to grow, survive and function. However, it must be taken in a certain balance. Incomplete intake of nutrients negatively affects metabolism and aggravates its development. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins that have a very important function in nutrients. Some of these amino acids are methionine amino acid, which is not naturally produced by the human body.
The most important function of methionine amino acid added to animal feeds is that it increases the reproductive ability of the animals and increases the egg production. In short, the effect of methionine amino acid on the fertility and reproduction ability of animals is very high.
Methionine and cysteine are amino acids containing sulfur atoms among all amino acids. Methionine is mostly found in fruits, meats, vegetables, nuts and legumes. Spinach, peas, corn, pistachios and beans are rich in methionine.
Methionine helps break down fats in the body and provides high levels of growth hormone. It is also known as an efficient antioxidant for activating free radicals.
Titrimetric methods of analysis are methods based on measuring the amount of a solution of known concentration that reacts with the substance to be analyzed. The field of application of these methods is very wide and effective quantitative analysis methods. Among the amino acid analysis methods, titrimatic analysis methods are also used for the determination of methionine content in feeds.
In the laboratories, the standards prepared by local and foreign institutions are followed in the determination of methionine between amino acid analyzes within the scope of chemical tests. The standard used in these studies is as follows:
- TS EN ISO 17180 Animal feed - Determination of lysine, methionine and thronine from commercial amino acid products and premixes