The alkalinity determination
In its simplest terms, alkalis are water-soluble bases. The general characteristics are that all alkalis have pH values greater than seven, turn red litmus paper to blue color, abrade the surface of saturated alkali solutions, give a feeling of lubricity in hand and normally dissolve in water, while only barium carbonate alkaline is dissolved in acidic solution.
The human body removes some of the acidic and antioxidant substances from the body through perspiration and urine, but it is not completely free of these substances. Nevertheless, foreign acidic wastes remaining in the body begin to accumulate in various parts of the body over time. These wastes, which cannot be assigned by the body, cause the formation of cholesterol, uric acid, urea, fatty acids, kidney stones, sulphates and phosphates. This situation leads to rapid aging and development of many diseases due to aging.
Alkalic lakes, which are a kind of salt lake, are formed by excessive evaporation of water and condensation of alkaline salts. There are many alkaline lakes on the Earth's surface. In our country, especially Salt Lake, Eceabat, Enez, Gökçeada and Ayvalık salt lakes have this feature.
Many foods that are consumed form highly alkaline. For example, lemon, watermelon, whole raw and green leafy vegetables, sprouted legumes and many grains, seaweeds, juices of green vegetables, all fresh plants and sprouted almonds.
The human body also forms alkalis during various emotions and activities. For example, feelings such as peace, gratitude, forgiveness, cheering, laughing, positive thinking, or activities such as relaxing, exercising, deep breathing and meditating are alkaline in the body.
In the authorized laboratories, alkalinity determination studies are also carried out within the scope of chemical tests and the standards prepared by domestic and foreign organizations and the test methods and test criteria accepted worldwide are complied with.