Silicon determination (Scarce With In water)
One of the most abundant elements in the earth's crust is silicon. Silicon has a semiconductor property and is abundant in forests and natural habitats. It is used in the production of transistors and diodes, and integrated circuits and computers are built on silicon technology. In addition, the main material of the glass is sand. Silicon sand is very much present, especially in sea sand.
Silicon is also present in the skeletal structure of plants and living things. Therefore, they are vital.
The amount of silica in natural waters is between 1-30 mg per liter. In some salty and marine waters, the silica concentration exceeds 1000 mg per liter. Silica is not required in water used in industry. Particularly in devices such as high-pressure steam turbines, pure silica deposits are formed and separate time, effort and cost are required to eliminate it.
The researches reveal the health benefits of silicon. Today, silicon is very important for the human body. Silicon is counted among 25 elements which are necessary for normal nutrition and body development of people. Silicon protects the appearance of the skin, prevents hair loss, prevents nail fragility, strengthens the bones, prevents bone deformity, prevents aluminum toxicity, prevents arteriosclerosis, provides protection against many diseases and increases the healing rate of fractures. If silicon deficiency occurs in the human body, cell metabolism does not function normally and discomfort such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and premature aging occur.
The most important sources of silicon are unrefined grains, oats, raw cabbage, apples, peanuts, carrots, cucumbers, onions, fish, and oranges. In addition, there is a high amount of hard water, and a small amount of silicon in softer waters.
Determination of silicon in water in authorized laboratories is carried out using the kit. These studies comply with the current legal regulations and published standards and analysis methods.