Volatile Non Ether extract determination

Turkish Food Codex Spice Communiqué (Communiqué no: 2013 / 2013) was published by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in 12. This Communiqué regulates the principles for the production, preparation, processing, storage, storage, transportation and placing of the spices in suitable hygienic conditions. All spices, crumbled or whole, and This Communiqué covering spice mixtures, physical and chemical properties of non-ground spices (Annex 1), physical and chemical properties of ground spices (Annex 2), physical and chemical properties of leaf / flower spices (Annex 3) and physical and chemical properties of other spices (Annex 4), separately the minimum amounts of non-volatile ether extracts according to spice varieties have been described.
While the determination of non-volatile ether extracts in spices in laboratories, the spice sample is extracted with diethyl and the volatile parts are removed and the non-volatile residue is dried and weighed. In this way, the measurement is made by a gravimetric method.
Spices are obtained by drying the parts of various plants such as bud, seed, seed, fruit, flower, root, stem, tuber, leaf, stem or onion, whole or in crumbled or ground condition. Spices are used to give flavor, color and smell to foods. Black pepper, red pepper, black seed, isot, clove, coriander, basil, sumac and sesame are the main spices.
In the context of chemical food analysis, non-volatile ether extracts in spices are determined by authorized laboratories. During these studies, the standards published by local and foreign organizations and the test methods accepted all over the world are complied with. In this way, neutral and reliable results are obtained in laboratories. The standard is based on:
- TS 2137 ISO 1108 Spice and seasoning plants - Determination of non-volatile ether extract