Salinity (%) determination (Use Around)
The amount of salinity in domestic water is very important in some industrial wastes and sea water analyzes. Salinity is defined chemically as follows: when carbonates are converted to oxides, bromides and iodides are replaced by chlorides, and when organic substances are oxidized, the total amount of solids in water is called salinity.
There are different methods for determining the salinity in the domestic water such as electrical conductivity method or hydrometric method or argentometric method. In laboratory and field environments, argentometric method is the most suitable method. The argentometric method is preferred in water analyzes which are relatively clean and contain one liter of 0,15 and 10 mg of chloride.
Precipitation titrations are the methods used for the detection of power-soluble substances using the titration method. This method provides easier and safer results. If silver nitrate solution is used as the solution in precipitation titrations, these titrations are called argantometry.
When the amount of chloride in water increases, the taste of salinity occurs with excess water. This salinity negatively affects city water network systems, water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers. Chloride is a common compound found in all natural and used waters.
It is present in water in the form of sodium chloride, or as compounds such as calcium chloride or magnesium chloride. If the chloride content in the water is due to sodium chloride, a significant salty taste occurs in the water. Water containing high levels of salt will damage metallic pipes and water systems.
In the authorized laboratories, salinity determination analyzes are also performed within the scope of physical analyzes. During these studies, standards and generally accepted test methods published by local and foreign organizations are also complied with. In this way, reliable and unbiased results are obtained.