Putrefaction Texts

Stink Test
Stink Test

The number of products in the food sector is increasing. In this respect, it is increasingly important that the products are reliable and durable. This naturally encourages competition among manufacturers and brings dynamism to the sector. In line with these developments, food control activities in the food sector are also developing. Detection of decomposition in laboratory environments is generally carried out in two areas: to determine the usability of meat and meat products or to determine the presence of organic matter in water.

If meat and meat products are not kept under suitable conditions and for the specified periods, the decomposition accelerates. Detection of rottenness is important as a quality criterion in order to understand the freshness of these products. In addition, rottenness detection studies are applied to waters. Detection of ammonia in water indicates that various organic substances are mixed with water and thus microbiological contamination.

Immediately after slaughter, biochemical events start to develop in meat. The meat is first subjected to the death stiffness process. Then the softening process begins. The last stage of these events is rancidity. However, it is not easy to differentiate these stages, including rancidness. These stages occur in successive periods.

The decomposition of plant and animal tissues by microorganisms start to form. Once the rotting occurs in the meat, it is irreversible. At this stage, meat becomes unusable. During the decomposition phase, the enzymes and microorganisms in the meat become active and proteins begin to convert into amino acids and amino acids into nitrogenous and hydrogenated compounds. Amino acids decompose to give ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other compounds. The meat starts to smell bad. Meanwhile, the color of the meat starts to turn green.

The deodorization tests of meats are carried out within the scope of physical analyzes in authorized laboratories. During these tests, standards, general test methods and test criteria published by domestic and foreign organizations are followed. The standard taken into account in the decomposition tests is:

  • TS 1069 Meat and meat products (red meats) - Laboratory analysis methods - General