Pollution analysis

Nowadays there is no possibility of finding a food that carries zero pollution anywhere in the world. Even if foods are grown under organic conditions at the highest level, various substances meet depending on the storage conditions of the foods. In milk, the situation is no different.
One of the physical analyzes of raw milk is the determination of the amount of dirt. Milk contamination means dust, hair, fertilizers, insects and plant residues, such as foreign solids. While the amount of dirt in the milk is determined in the authorized laboratories, the dried weights of such foreign solids in 100 ml milk are determined.
One of the most important factors affecting the quality of raw milk is the degree of pollution. The above-mentioned impurities may be introduced into the milk for any reason during milking, collection or transfer. These substances not only increase the number of microorganisms in milk, but also disrupt the appearance of milk, making it difficult to process. For this reason, the degree of contamination of the milk taken into the enterprises is controlled. Pollution analyzes are also referred to as sedimentation tests in some laboratories. The basis of the analysis method is to filter a quantity of milk samples through standard cotton filters and to determine the amount of dust, dirt and impurities deposited on the filter by weighing. According to TS 1018 standard, the maximum amount of dirt that can be found in raw cow's milk is 100 mg in 6 ml.
Pollution analysis of raw milk is carried out within the scope of physical analysis in authorized laboratories. During these studies, standards, general test methods and test criteria published by local and foreign organizations are followed. In this way, reliable and unbiased results are obtained. The standard taken into consideration during pollution analysis is:
- TS 1018 Cow's milk - raw
This standard specifies the principles for the identification, classification, characteristics, sampling, inspection and testing methods of raw cow's milk and how it is placed on the market.