Sensory Analysis (Chemical analysis Excluding) (Natural in olive oil)

Sensory Analysis (Excluding Chemical Analysis) (In Natural Olive Oils)
Sensory Analysis (Excluding Chemical Analysis) (In Natural Olive Oils)

Natural olive oil is an oil produced directly from olives and without any refining process. It has a distinctive flavor and is significantly different from other cooking oils. These features provide superior quality. Natural olive oil has been increasing its consumption in recent years with its sensory properties and high nutritional value.

Sensory analysis of this olive oil is a technique applied to characterize the oil. In order for an olive oil to become a natural extra virgin olive oil, it must be sensory perfect. According to the condition of the sensory defects and the density of the oil, oils are classified in different qualities. Natural oils are divided into three different groups as natural infiltration, natural first and raw (refining) considering the chemical properties as well as sensory analysis results.

Sensory positive properties of natural olive oil are fruitiness, bitterness and burning properties. Sensory negative features are escalation, muddy sediment, moldy and moist, vinegar and winey.

The most important positive feature of natural olive oil obtained from fresh or ripe olives is its fruity (fruity). Natural olive oil, especially from ripe olives, is known for its aromatic flavor. Olive oils produced from green olives have a characteristic taste bitter (bitter). In the early harvest period, especially the oils obtained from immature olives have a hard, caustic and sharp taste (causticity).

The characteristic flavor of the oil obtained from olives kept in straw sacks for a long time is the sensory negative feature of natural olive oil (escalation). The flavor of the oil remaining in the barrels and tanks with the sediment for a long time is the muddy sediment flavor. Stored in high temperature and humid environments, the flavor of oils obtained from fruits coated with mold and yeast is a moldy and moist flavor. Aerobic fermentation of olives with acetic acid, ethyl acetate and ethanol is the result of the formation of fat flavor is a creamy and winey flavor.

These sensory analyzes of natural olive oils are also performed in authorized laboratories.