bin (1000) Data weight determination

Thousand (1000) grain weight determination is important in terms of giving an idea about the weight, graininess and fullness of the grain and flour yield. These analyzes are carried out in order to learn the quality of endosperm which is the main source of flour in the grain. This method is based on the principle that the grains are first weighed and then counted to determine the flour yield. During the evaluation, the wheat sample is first extracted from impurities, then 15 grams from the cleaned wheat are weighed and counted. Considering the moisture content of the grain, the grain weight of the grain is in grams on dry matter basis.
Thousand (1000) grain weight is the same as the weight of hectoliters. In this way, the efficiency of flour obtained from wheat, barley and similar grains is calculated.
Thousand (1000) grain weight determination method, to determine the efficiency of all kinds of cereals and cereals, a certain volume of coarse grain sample is poured and weighed this sample. No chemicals are used in this process.
Among the physical analyzes carried out within the scope of food analysis, the determination of the weight of thousand (1000) grains is carried out in laboratories accredited by domestic and foreign accreditation institutions. Therefore, the results are impartial and reliable.
Authorized laboratories comply with accepted test methods and test criteria all over the world, follow scientific research and apply standards published by local and foreign organizations in their studies. Thousand (1000) grain weight determination process is based on the following are some of the standards:
- TS EN ISO 7971-1 Cereals - Determination of bulk density (mass / hectoliter) - Part 1: Reference method
This standard covers the reference method for the determination of hectoliter weight in cereals.
- TS EN ISO 520: 2010 Grain and legumes - Determination of 1000 grain weight
- TS 2974 Wheat
This standard covers defined wheat, but does not include wheat that is proven to be seed.