paralytic Shellfish Poison group (PSP) (Invivo)

Paralytic Shellfish Poison Group (PSP) (Invivo)
Paralytic Shellfish Poison Group (PSP) (Invivo)

Among the algae living in the sea, cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates) species produce toxic compounds for humans and other living things. One of the most important of these algae is the Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSP) group. The toxins produced by the algae in this group cause poisoning in humans. The cause of these intoxications is a compound called saxitoxin.

Paralytic shell poisoning (PSP) is one of the most common poisonings. Dinoflagellates, also known as fire-colored algae, are effective in detecting these intoxications. Their proliferation is caused by environmental conditions. In paralytic seashell poisoning, saxitoxins, neosaxitoxins and 3 in the form of C4 and C18 cause different toxins alone or in combination. However, all of these toxins are called PSP toxins. Among these toxins, the saxitoxin group reaches people through the feeding chain and destroys the muscles and nerves that move the body.

This type of poisoning is most common in shellfish such as mussels, clams and oysters. The toxins transmitted to these shellfish are spread to the neck and face and are usually characterized by tremor and numbness around the lip, nausea, vomiting, headache and abdominal pain. In cases of severe intoxication, muscle numbness, breathing difficulties and respiratory failure are observed. PSP toxins generally accumulate in the tissues and intestines of crustaceans and poison humans.

People who consume shellfish are a common carrier of paralytic seashell poisons. With this lobster-like arthropods also collect these toxins.

Paralytic Shellfish Poison Group (PSP) intoxication analyzes are performed by using in vivo method within the scope of biotoxin analysis in advanced laboratories. These analyzes are based on standards and test methods published by national and international organizations.