Diarrhetic Shellfish Poison group (DSP) - Dinophysis toksinxnumx (DTX-2)

There are many cell algae called phytoplankton in the seas of the world and in our seas. Some of these microorganisms proliferate in water and damage the ecosystem. The most important of these damages is to produce strong toxins, to spoil the water quality they live in, and to poison fish, shellfish and humans.
Phytoplankton is a very important food source for mussels, oysters, scallops and similar bivalves. However, undesirable phytoplankton increases with the combination of many physical, chemical and biological factors.
In humans, Diarrhetic Shellfish Poison Group (DSP) intoxications occur with the ingestion of approximately 40-50 µg octadaic acid and dinophysis toxins per person. It is mostly felt in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, headache and abdominal contractions. These disorders are generally not very serious and can be resolved in a short time. In some cases, however, it has an effect that induces gastric tumors. Information on the chronic toxicity of toxins on human health has not been fully elucidated.
Poisons of the Diarrhetic Shellfish Poison (DSP) species include:
- Ocaadaic acid group toxins (this group includes dinophysis toxins DTX1, DTX2, DTX4 and the acyl derivatives DTX3)
- Pextotoxin produced by Dinophysis species
- Yessotoxin produced by Prorocentrum species
Biotoxin analyzes in authorized laboratories include LC-MS / MS method (liquid chromatography - mass - mass spectrometry method) and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poison Group (DSP) intoxication analyzes. This includes dinophysis toxin 2 (DTX-2) analysis. These analyzes are based on standards and test methods published by domestic and foreign organizations. The standard considered in this respect is:
- TS EN 16204 Foodstuffs - Determination of lipophilic algae toxins in shellfish and shellfish by LC-MS / MS (octadaic acid toxins, yessotoxins, azaspiracids, pectonotoxins)