Total migration analysis (Each one For)

Total Migration Analysis (For Each)
Total Migration Analysis (For Each)

In order to regulate the principles to be followed in the production, processing and distribution stages of plastic materials and materials that come into contact with food or which may be in contact with food, the Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Plastic Materials and Materials Contacting Food in 2013 (Communiqué) no: 2013 / 34). In the same year, the Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on the List of Food Simulants Used in Migration Testing of Components of Plastic Materials and Materials Contacting Food, which includes a list of food analogues used in the migration test of the components of plastics and materials that come into contact with food, was published. These regulations also describe migration testing methods in detail.

Total migration in the food sector refers to the sum of the chemicals that pass from the packaging material to the foodstuffs. Specific migration refers to the transition to foodstuffs contained in one or more of the packaging materials. In this way, when determining the amount and type of chemical migration between the packaging material and the foodstuff in laboratories, the type of liquid that simulates food should be selected correctly.

When performing total migration analyzes, it is necessary to consider the conditions that affect migration. For example, the properties of the foodstuff to be included in the packaging affect the solubility of the chemicals contained in the packaging material. The reaction of a foodstuff with a chemical substance is also influenced by temperature conditions. Packaging materials should be stored at appropriate temperature conditions. The contact area of ​​the packaging material and the foodstuff therein is also effective in migration. There is also a different time period in which each packaging material can safely protect the foodstuff.

In the advanced laboratories, total migration analyzes are performed for each of them within the scope of package analysis. During these studies, standards and test methods published by national and international organizations are based.