Petrol ve Natural gas

Oil and natural gas occupies a huge place in the energy consumption of our country. From time to time, different opinions are put forward in this regard. Although there are oil deposits in our country, it is not at the level to fully meet the need. However, there are still many areas to search for oil. In general, petroleum deposits are located in Southeastern Anatolia and natural gas deposits are located in Thrace region. The exploration of oil and natural gas requires scientific, planned and disciplined studies and also requires serious economic investment.
In order to determine how much oil and natural gas are in our country, many methods of geological and geophysical methods should be applied and evaluated together. At the designated points, wells are drilled, tests are performed and if it is decided that production will be economical as a result of these tests, these wells are used.
Geological structure of our country is an important factor in the lack of expected amount of oil and natural gas reserves in our country. The Arab-African plate enters from the south to the bottom of our country. That is why the region is very high. Therefore, the thickness of the pertol layer is not much in our country.
Our country is highly dependent on oil and natural gas. In our country, 2 million tons of oil is extracted annually while 28 million tons of oil is needed. In terms of natural gas, annual 750 million cubic meters of production is made in our country, while 12 billion cubic meters of natural gas is needed. In both of them, our country's dependence on foreign countries is over 90. A significant portion of the natural gas is used in electricity generation and industry.
Therefore, it is necessary to reduce electricity production, in other words, electricity production in other ways. Hydroelectric power plants need to increase, thermal power plants should be increased, wind and solar energy should be utilized or nuclear energy should be used.
It is equally important to measure, analyze and evaluate the results of the activities in oil and natural gas studies.