Ball Pressure Texts
The TS EN 60335-1 standard issued by the Turkish Standards Institute sets the safety requirements for electrical appliances. The full name of this standard is as follows: TS EN 60335-1 Safety Rules for Electrical Appliances Used in Domestic and Similar Places.
This standard specifies the safety requirements for electrical appliances used in households and workplaces operating in electrical voltage not exceeding 250 volts in single phase systems and 480 volts in other systems. Many tests are carried out under this standard. For example, label resistance test, protection against access to voltage sections, input power and current test, warming test, leakage current test, electrical strength test, moisture resistance test, unusual working test, structural test, discharge test, tensile test, earthing test , insulation test, glow wire test, surface leakage protection test and ball pressure test.
The ball pressure test is also known as a fire hazard test. This test is a test method for heat resistance of non-metal materials.
All these tests are performed by accredited laboratories within the scope of electrical safety tests. Laboratories evaluate the results obtained during these tests in accordance with the principles of various legal regulations and standards issued by domestic and foreign institutions. Here are a few standards:
- TS EN 60695-10-2 Fire hazard test - Part 10-2: Ball pressure test method
- TS EN 60695-2-11 Fire hazard test - Part 2-11: Test methods based on incandescent / hot wire - Incandescent wire flammability test method for finished products
- TS EN 60695-2-12 Fire hazard test - Part 2-12: Test methods based on incandescent / hot wire - Incandescent flammability index (GWFI) test method for materials
- TS EN 60695-11-2 Fire hazard test - Part 11-2: Test flames - Strong pre-mixed flame rated 1 kw - Instruments, confirmatory test device and guide