chloride analysis

The physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil have a significant effect on the soil reaction. The fertility of the soil, its suitability for the growth of the plants and the characteristics of the microorganisms in it depend on the reaction of the soil. Soil reaction affects plant growth positively or negatively by increasing or decreasing the solubility of plant nutrients.
The amount of soluble salts present in the soil indicates the salinity of the soil. Anions such as chlorine, carbonate, bicarbonate and sulphate and cations such as sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium are the most common soils. All these substances combine to form salts. If the amount of anions and cations in the soil is too much to harm the plant, these soils are called saline soils.
The degree of salinity in soil is a factor that negatively affects the structure of soils. If this value is high, the water retention capacity of the soil is reduced and the plant roots are prevented from receiving water. In addition, a number of elements such as chlorine, sodium and boron, which are highly present in the structure of soluble salts, can also have poisoning effects for plants.
Soil analysis is a method that shows the fertilizer need of the fields to be planted. Soil samples are measured and analyzed in authorized laboratories. In this way, it is determined how the cultivated plants should be fed in order to produce good crops. Plant nutrients that are missing in the soil are identified and fertilizer is provided to producers in a timely and correct manner.
The important point here is that the soil samples are taken in accordance with the rules and analyzed correctly.
Accredited laboratories from national and international accreditation organizations also carry out chloride analyzes within the framework of soil measurements. The most commonly used methods during these analyzes are:
- SM 4110 B Chromotographic method
- SM 4500-Cl-B Argentometric method
- SM 4500-Cl-C Mercury Nitrate method