Total alkalinity determination measurement

Determination of Total Alkalinity
Determination of Total Alkalinity

Alkalinity is the capacity of water to react with strong acids up to a certain pH. Therefore, the measured alkalinity value varies depending on the pH value used. Total alkalinity determination is an important analysis which is widely used in wastewater and natural waters.

In surface waters such as lakes, rivers, streams and seas, the alkalinity value represents a measure of the concentration of said compounds, since it is a function of the amount of bicarbonate, carbonate and hydroxide present in the water. Phosphates, silicates and borates also contribute to alkalinity measurements.

In the control and evaluation of water and wastewater treatment processes, alkalinity measurements are taken as basis. Domestic wastewater has a different alkalinity than the alkalinity of the water used for drinking water supply.

Alkalinity is the power of water to neutralize acids and is primarily a function of the carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxide content present in water. The sources of alkalinity in surface waters are weak acids such as carbonate, bicarbonate, hydroxide, borate, phosphates and silicates. Alkalinity by environmental engineers is a very important issue.

Alkalinity measurements generally refer to two types of alkalinity: phenolphthalein alkalinity and methyl orange alkalinity. Total alkalinity is expressed as the sum of these two alkalinity values.

Water pollution is a problem that results from the effects of human activities. This situation restricts or hinders the use of surface waters and, most importantly, disrupts the ecological balance. Water is the fastest, most and easily affected by environmental pollution. The use of water to remove all impurities is an important factor. Water pollution is related to the deterioration of ecological cycles. Along with rainwater, sulfur, nitrogen and carbon dioxide are mixed into the soil and from soil to groundwater. Again, many pollutants that are mixed with the air are disintegrated by the effects of oxygen, light and ultraviolet rays and descend into the soil and mix into surface waters.

Therefore, total alkalinity measurements performed by authorized laboratories are of great importance.