pH determination measurement

pH Determination Measurement
pH Determination Measurement

In daily life, water is a very important substance that ensures the survival of not only the people but all the bells. The importance of water in the digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients to cells, proper functioning of organs and tissues, disposal of harmful substances to the body, control of body temperature and many other functions cannot be discussed.

Water is important, but it is necessary to know the properties of the water to be used correctly. Color, smell, taste, as well as the properties of water directed to emotions, according to the physical properties of the water determines the purpose of use. To the extent that water is used in accordance with its purpose, it is possible to obtain yield in agriculture or contribute to the preservation of natural balance.

In this respect, many parameters of water such as temperature, color, dissolved oxygen, dissolved carbon dioxide, electrical conductivity and pH are measured by laboratories. One of the most important of these parameters is the pH determination, ie the measurement of the hardness level of the water.

The quality and uses of water depend on the types and quantities of dissolved substances. Due to the dissolved substances, the waters show acid, base or neutral properties. This is only determined by determining the pH and the suitability and quality of the water is determined.

Two methods are used for measuring pH in authorized laboratories: using pH indicator papers or using devices called pH meters. This method is generally used more frequently because the measurements made with pH meters give more reliable results. The device for measuring the pH value of any liquid is called a pH meter. The pH measuring devices have one or two electrodes and the pH meter measures the potential difference between the liquid and the electrode.

Calibrations of pH meter devices are carried out in laboratories appropriately and frequently. The reliable and high quality of the measurement results depends on this.