Nitrate nitrogen determination measurement

Nitrate Nitrogen Determination Measurement
Nitrate Nitrogen Determination Measurement

Nitrogen and nitrogenous substances in surface waters and wastewaters are one of the most important parameters of environmental engineers. The laboratories measure various organic and inorganic nitrogen compounds in drinking and utility water, surface water and contaminated water bodies and decide on the quality of the water.

Nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and organic nitrogen are the leading nitrogen compounds in water and wastewater. The total amount of oxidized nitrogen is expressed as the sum of nitrate and nitrite. Nitrate is present in very low amounts in surface waters and groundwater which have not previously been contaminated with nitrogen compounds. If nitrate is clearly visible in surface waters, this indicates that it was previously contaminated with domestic and industrial wastewater containing ammonium and organic nitrogen, or directly mixed with nitrate. Direct nitrate admixture into water occurs in two ways: either because of wastewater from industrial plants where nitrate compounds are used or produced, or by transporting nitrated fertilizers used in agricultural areas by rainwater. The generation of nitrate in Yearaltı waters is largely due to the transport of nitrated fertilizers with rain and irrigation water.

If the nitrate concentration exceeds 10 milligrams per liter, this leads to an infant called blue infant syndrome. This disease occurs in the digestive system of infants because no enzymes have been developed to remove nitrate.

Contamination of water is effected by mixing of used water containing one or more toxic substances such as nitrate nitrogen to surface waters besides heavy metals. This creates a poisoning effect for living organisms and threatens their lives.


In addition, accredited laboratories from national and international accreditation organizations comply with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standards.