Environment in the mood for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) measurement

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Measurement in Ambient Air
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Measurement in Ambient Air

Volatile organic compounds are briefly described as VOCs. VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compounds, which means English.

Sources of volatile organic compounds are very diverse. There may be combustion products and by-products, as well as odors such as deodorant, cologne, perfume and spray, and commonly used consumables such as soap, detergents, shampoos and the like. They can be small or large in any environment. Indoor levels may vary depending on people's movements and the intensity of VOC resources.

On the one hand, rapid population growth and accompanying changes in life style, on the other hand increase in energy requirements, increase in urbanization, depletion of fossil fuels, increase in vehicle use, rapid industrialization, inadequate planning and environmental regulations on the one hand, and increasing air pollution in our country and in the world serious health and environmental problems.

In the face of these developments, air pollution is tried to be prevented by many legal regulations and standards prepared by national and international institutions.

For this purpose, volatile organic compound measurements are among the measurement and analysis studies carried out by accredited laboratories within the framework of imitation measurements.

Regulation on Control of Industrial Air Pollution by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry In the Annex titled Guidelines and Limitations for Plants Subject to Emission Permit (Annex-1), concentration values ​​for each volatile organic compound class are given separately.

The laboratories to be measured are authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization with TS EN 13649 standard (TSE CEN / TS 13649 Constant source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of each gaseous organic compound - Solvent extraction or thermally monitored sorptive sampling method).