O3 Ozone Measurement ve analysis

O3 Ozone Measurement and Analysis
O3 Ozone Measurement and Analysis

Gas symbolized as O3 is ozone gas. Ozone gas consists of three oxygen atoms and is a colorless gas. Ozone is mainly located in the upper part of the atmosphere and protects the earth from the harmful effects of the sun.

Ozone is a colorless gas with a distinctive, pungent odor at room temperature. The name of this gas comes from the Latin word ein ozein kok, which means smelling. It was first found in 1840. Ozone gas has very strong oxidizing and disinfecting properties. For this reason, ozone is used as a germicide in the treatment plants where drinking water is provided all over the world. It is an effective germicidal and deodorizing agent.

Ozone is formed by ultraviolet rays of the sun and electrical arcs of lightning in rainy and lightning weather. As mentioned above, ozone acts as a shield that protects the earth and protects living beings from harmful rays of the sun. It is one of the most important gases in the atmosphere. Ozone formed with lightning cleans the air. This ozone gas is the basis of fresh air, especially in high places and at the seaside.

Today, just breathing is not enough for the body to get enough oxygen. The human body is constantly contaminated by toxins in water, air and food. The amount of oxygen in the cities air drops below 21 percent. Like ozone excess, its deficiency is also harmful to health.

Today, there are many areas where ozone gas is used. For example, cleaning of ambient air, disinfecting water, swimming pools, food, taste, color, odor and turbidity removal, disinfecting bacteria and viruses, food storage, poultry, markets and greengrocers, red meat processing plants, food factories, cold storage, ozone is used in greenhouses, container cleaning, cleaning of viruses in human blood and ventilation systems in hospitals, airports, baths and hotels.

Various health institutions have reported that exposure to the ozone level of 0,10 ppm in inhaled air for no more than eight hours is not a side effect. However, exposure to ozone gas above this value poses health risks. May cause irritation to the nose, eyes and throat of people and may damage the respiratory system. Not everyone knows that ozone can be lethal when it comes to its place.

In this respect, ozone gas can be dangerous to human health. Therefore, especially in work environments and risky areas, the amount of ozone in the air should be measured. These measurements are carried out by authorized test and inspection institutions. During the measurements, legal regulations in force and standards published by domestic and foreign organizations are taken into consideration.

In our country, poisoning incidents are very common in closed working areas. In order to prevent such events, some of which are fatal, necessary measurements and tests should be performed in a timely manner and necessary precautions should be taken in a timely manner. Since gases are volatile, sampling and analysis should be carried out with equipment and methods that comply with the standards.