Nitric Acid measurement ve analysis

Nitric Acid Measurement and Analysis
Nitric Acid Measurement and Analysis

Nitric acid is a type of acid which is commonly known as vitriol and has a bleaching and caustic effect on organic materials, but is mostly used in industry. Nitric acid is a strong acid, and as its concentration increases, it creates more danger for people and the environment. If it reacts with glycerin, nitro glycerin is obtained, which is used to make dynamite, various explosives, fertilizers and plastics.

Nitric acid is used in the production of many explosives because it converts explosive chemicals into nitrates.

Some acid salts are present in the form of natural sources. The most important of these is sodium nitrate (also known as the Chilean saltpeter). When sodium nitrate is heated together with sulfuric acid, nitric acid is produced. This acid is one of the strongest acids and is used in the industry for various purposes as it is a strong oxidation agent. The only substance that can dissolve gold, called the king's water, is a combination of hydrochloric acid and nitrate acid.

Nitric acid is often used as a strong solvent in cleaning processes. In the industry, paints, plastics and explosives are produced by acid nitration processes.

The Regulation on the Control of Industrial Air Pollution, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2009, aims to control emissions in the form of soot, smoke, gas, dust and steam emitted by the industrial and energy production facilities. In this way, it aims to protect human life and nature against pollution. For this purpose,itric acid production facilities also have to comply with the principles.

The laboratories, which are authorized by national and international accreditation organizations, also provide nitric acid measurement and analysis services in the enterprises. In this way, it is taken under control whether the enterprises exceed the determined limit values.